6- 11 JULY 2021 BETWEEN EARTH AND SKY- JINEN Butoh workshop in the Nature


JINEN Butoh workshop in nature

with Maruska Ronchi

Live music by Giordano Costi & Stefano Carniti

6-11 July 2021

At Piedinterra – Santa Margherita di Staffora (PV) – Italy

6days intensive workshop with final performances

Like all living beings and all things, we are connected to the earth and to the sky and in this way we are connected to everything.

Feeling part of “the whole” and awakening inside you, your own movement in free and authentic way, seeking the truth of the instant, linking our breathing to nature’s breathing.

Through the exploration of the possibilities of the body and opening our-self to the feeling of our inner state, through imagination, motor of our expression and our movement, keys of the door, we will enter in a place where the emotions are born, where transformations will happen, and where the movement will become dance.

A dance that is continuous dialogue between inside and outside, between the body and the space around, between inner landscape and outside nature.

Life is a continuous flow of energy we are part of. Let it flow and it will strike us and it will surprise us every time.

Dance is the magic of life.

For me Butoh is a dance of transformation, a deep work on personal identity, to find your own deep authentic and original being, until to dissolve it, feeling part of a “whole”, to simply become a flow of energy, a substance in movement that is transformed by. A dance that comes from a strong inner need to search for origins, the deep, the truth.

Butoh practice I propose come from JINEN Butoh of Atsushi Takenouchi wich is my great and beloved master. I worked with him since 13 years. To him I owe my encounter with butoh and the beginning of a great transformation in my dance and in my life. I wish to convey with all my passion the wonder of this beautiful and powerful dance practice.”

JINEN: “JINEN is ALL. Jinen Butoh is a life force that dance with all. All things are dancing with Jinen. Jinen Butoh is to join together with all the life that are already dancing, to dance with the flow of the universe that is Jinen” http://www.jinen-butoh.com/top_e.html

This is an intensive workshop, basically we will practice 7 hours per day (32 hours in 6 days). Part of the work is devoted to a workout that aims to release the unnecessary tensions of the body, and let the energy to flow into the body, to find an organic and effortless movement. One part is dedicated to improvisation guided in nature with different elements that surround us, to find our own movement deeply connected to ourselves.

These six days are dedicated to ourselves, finding time and space, starting a process of knowledge of ourselves, of our deepest and authentic being, it means an healing process, through morning meditation, body work, healthy food, dance in the nature, ritual performances, that allow us to express ourselves through body, in deep connection with nature with mutual respect.


  • Morning meditation

  • Silence practice

  • Morning yoga

  • Body training to release extra-tensions in the body and allow the energy to circulate inside the body, in order to find more fluid and organic movement, without useless effort. This will then help us to work better on activating the energy to be released in the dance.

  • Breathing practice – movement connected to the breath, how to move the energy inside the body and around it – Perception of oneself and others

  • Sensitization to the external environment, to others

  • Guided improvisations in the nature dancing with trees, stones, flowers, water, river, sun, moon, fire, stars

  • Free improvisations

  • Composition and ritual performances

We will dance with live music played by Giordano Costi and Stefano Carniti

Schedule of practice:

Tuesday 6 July: Arrival and 2 hours practice from 6pm to 8pm

From Wednesday to Friday: 7hours practice per day in Piedinterra and in nature places around (we will move inside forest and to the river place)

Saturday: 7hours practice including ritual performances of participants

Sunday 11 July: 2 hours practice and closing cirle from 9am till 11.00 and Departure

(the schedules may be subject to slight modifications in accordance with the needs of the group)

Total 32 hours of practice in 6 days.

For more info and reservations:



